The best thing since
flies bred!™

Redtop Fly Traps

• Extremely effective – one regular trap can catch up to 20,000 flies in just 3 days

• Economical – low cost and requires no electricity

• Environmentally friendly, food safe and disposable

• Very easy to use

• Flies cannot build up resistance to the trap

• It’s particularly attractive to female flies – stopping the reproductive cycle

• Doesn’t attract bees or other insects

• Can be used to attract flies from inside the house, business, farm or other any other area with flies

• Catches fruit flies and pesticide resistant flies 10 times faster than alternative products

• Used in over 27 different countries since 1981


Redtop Flytraps are stocked by many agricultural merchants and pet stores in the UK, Ireland and Europe, as well as further afield, including Scandinavia and Australasia.
New stockists are always welcome.
Please contact us for information on your local stockist

01246 264635

PestTrappa, Whittington Way, Chesterfield, S41 9AG. TEL: 01246 264635 Fax: 01246 269634
© Design is copyright PestTrappa 2018. PestTrappa is part of the Peak Bridge Group

“The best thing since flies bred!” is a trademark of Peakbridge Global Ltd